Our friends and neighbors, The Winn’s absolutely hated their newly built kitchen. WHAT? Their brand new kitchen? A few years ago, they bought a spec home - which means it’s a brand new house, but it wasn’t made to order, the builder picked out all of the finishes and upgrades and waited for a buyer to come along. The plus side to buying a spec home - you get a brand new house and you don’t have to wait for it to be built! The down side - you didn’t get to choose any of the fun stuff like flooring, tile, wall color, fixtures, etc. But, if you love the overall layout, you can always change things over time.
This is their kitchen “before”. Again, this house was built in 2016, but it certainly did not feel like it. With dark cabinets, flat beige walls, cream colored travertine tile mixed pair with dark floors… there was nothing new feeling about this room.
The actual cabinets themselves are a great, basic shaker, so we painted the lowers a Sherwin Williams Oyster Bay and the uppers SW Alabaster to match her trim color. Ahhh! Much better.
The second thing we did was paint the travertine. I love the look of painted brick and they already had that travertine backsplash going on, so we decided - lets just add more going up to the ceiling and paint it, no one will ever know! haha. This small amount of texture is everything.
They also got a fancy custom vent hood, white quartz countertops and all new gorgeous appliances.
Now THIS is a new kitchen. I’m so excited for the Winn’s to finally enjoy their new kitchen.
Stools - Target.